Getting Dressed For Work Should Be Fun Too!

If you have followed me long enough, you know that I believe in the joy of getting dressed. So often, people relegate their “good clothes” or the outfits they love to the weekends or post-work activities. There is absolutely no way I could live like that, lol. Everyday, I believe in wearing outfits I love. Yes, there may be some limitations, due to work dress code (which I admittedly push the boundaries on at times, lol), but that doesn’t mean one can’t have fun with their style during the work week.
With it being back-to-school season, I thought I’d share what I wore last school year! I shop my closet a lot (notice the repeated pieces), wear a lot of vintage, and am not out to get you to spend money with shopping links (we all can stand to consume less and save more), so there are no outfit deets. May this gallery (click the image to enlarge) be inspo for you to not save your favorite outfits for the weekends.
Which ‘fit is your favorite? Let me know in the comments!
If you prefer video inspo, check out my latest YouTube video. :-)