Getting Dressed For Work Should Be Fun Too!
On Living and Thriving…
A couple of months ago I was at graduation (in case you didn’t know, I’m a high school college counselor) and One of my advisees said, “Miss Porch, I’m gonna miss you so much! What am I gonna do without you?”
I said, “you’re going to live and thrive.”
I’ve been thinking about this exchange over the last couple of months, as I feel like I’m in this constant back and forth of living and thriving.
On Not Being Every Woman
Say it with me: I AM NOT EVERY WOMAN. I don’t even want to be. I will place priority on things that make me happy, and release some of the things that make me unhappy. { some, because we are adults and can’t let go of every responsibility, lol.} I will not feel guilty for allowing others to handle things that I feel like I “should” be doing. I will not compare myself to others. I WILL GIVE MYSELF GRACE.
Weight, Insecurities, and Confidence
On being the heaviest I’ve ever been, feeling the sexiest I’ve ever felt, and overcoming moments of insecurity…