Issa + Molly…That Thang Called Friendship
Ok, so it’s been dam near a year since I’ve written around here…sis has been busy, but I’ve been telling myself I’d get back to writing more on this blog, and after last night’s ‘Insecure’ series finale here I am!
Confession: I wish ‘Insecure’ had taken more time to delve into what it would be like for Issa to try to form new friendships, when she and Molly fell out in season 4, because I know so many people who struggle with this as adults, including myself. Friendships end, and that’s ok, so it’d be cool to see a dope Black TV show explore that more, among other things.
Nonetheless, the things ‘Insecure’ did or didn’t explore are neither here nor there, as the iconic show has come to an end. * insert thug tear * While I am team Lawrence…happy to see him and Issa back together, I walked away from ‘Insecure’ thinking more about the love story of Issa and Molly, and friendships in general.
Image from @shionat
As I lay on my couch watching last night’s finale, the scene after Molly’s wedding, when Issa was helping her get undressed, I legit almost cried.{keyword, almost, lol…I’m a thug after all} I had three thoughts as I watched them express pure love for each other:
This shit is sweet and beautiful!
I wish I had a friendship like that…
It’s ok that I don’t.
The great thing about friendships is that they aren’t monolithic. What works for one friendship, may not work for another. It’s been wonderful to watch Issa and Molly go through the ups and downs of friendship, even reaching a point where there would be no turning back for me, and come back together in a beautiful ending of sisterhood and love! However, in real life, many friendships don’t heal, some best-friendships form later in life, some people have many friends, but no best friend, etc.
Though watching Issa and Molly had me in my thoughts and feelings a little about the fact that I don’t have an Issa or Molly of my own…someone that I talk to all of the time {shout out to the people in my life who don’t expect this of me}, who I call whenever I have a problem, who I hang out with weekly, who surpasses friendship into a kind of relationship that has no name, I walked away from the episode grateful for the friends I do have and inspired to give making friends as an adult more effort in the new year. {that shit is hard!}
At 36, the likelihood of a tight friendship like Issa and Molly probably won’t happen {I don’t even know if I’d do well in that kind of friendship, lol}—though I’ll never say never, but I can choose to surround myself with women who love me as I am, lift me up, when I am down {even if they don’t know it}, celebrate my small and big wins, and encourage my growth, and I can do the same for the women in my life.
Image from L.A. Times
‘Insecure’ is iconic for so many reasons, but the reason it will go down as one of my favorite shows is the beauty of friendship and sisterhood it displayed through its characters. May we be inspired to love our friends a bit harder and be more open to letting people in, after watching 5 seasons of the show.
Do you have an Issa and Molly kind of friendship in your life? What was your take away, pertaining to friendship, from ‘Insecure?’ What are your general thoughts about the show? Let me know in the comments!