Soooo…I Did a Thing
If 2020 has taught me nothing else, it has taught me not to put off for tomorrow what can be done today! Soooo, when the opportunity recently presented itself for me to get a nude painting of myself, I acted on it. I shared the picture in my instastory last weekend, once I found a frame for it, and there were three types of responses I received:
What made me do it?
I’m a nudist. I love being naked more than I love wearing stylish clothes, lol. I enjoy nude beaches, and hope to stay at a high end nude resort some day, once I find it {yes I’m bougie about my travel lodging, lol}. I think the human body is beautiful in its many forms, and follow several IG accounts that create art, though photography, illustrations, and pities, to celebrate the human body. One day, my bf saw that one of the artist we both follow on IG was looking for a nude model, and sent the flyer to me. At first I was reluctant to respond to the model call, but then I was just like “fuck it,” knowing full well that this was something I’d been wanting to do.
Was I nervous?
Of course!! Regardless of how much I enjoy being nude, there is something about the moment when you disrobe in front of someone that is not your significant other for the first time. So, yes I was nervous, but I did it anyway. The great thing about posing for a nude pairing in this COVID era is that is needed to be done virtually, so instead of standing for hours posing nude for the artist, I took nude pics and sent them. Let me tell you. I’m awkward taking pics fully clothed, so I was awkward af taking nude pics, lol. Even after I took the pics, I almost reneged, because the idea of sending nude pics of myself to this artist was a bit unnerving, but I’m so glad I did because he did a wonderful job! Now that I have the painting framed, I can’t wait to hang it.
Yay!!! It’s on my bucket list to do by a certain age!
I loved that so many women were feeling celebratory about the nudity of it all!!! However, what stuck with me were the number of women who admitted that posing for a nude painting was on their bucket list of things to do by a certain age. The fact is no day is guaranteed, and certainly no age, so if you have been wanting to pose for a nude painting, make it happen ASAP! You’ll be glad that you didn’t wait.
By Ken Brandon
If you have questions about this experience, feel free to email me or leave a question in the comments!