Suns Out Buns Out
Sometimes I get messages about wearing thong bikinis, so it seems fitting to tell a story: in 2017, I was planning a trip to Thailand, and I decided I would give a thong bikini a try. They’d been an interest of mine for a bit, but I’d been too self-conscious to give them a try. My second day in Phuket, I wore my bikini, but if I’m being honest, I was scared to take my shorts off. My best friend (currently my boyfriend) encouraged me to drop the shorts and let my booty hang. Once I did, I stopped caring about people looking at me, and simply felt comfortable in my skin. It changed the game for me and my confidence (i was already confident, but after walking the beach in a thong bikini, I knew I was the shit, lol).
Phuket, Thailand, 2017- Bottom: ASOS; Top: Random shop in Phuket
In the years since, I’ve only bought thong swimwear, and I’ve supported and encouraged several women in their desire to wear a thong swimsuit, but I’ve never written about it.
I’m not saying thong swimwear is for everybody, but if you’ve ever wanted to let your booty hang on the beach or at the pool {if you’ve never wanted to have your buns out, this may not be the post for you, lol}, these are my tips:
Miami, 2018- Swimsuit from icon Swim
Mombasa, Kenya, 2019- Swimsuit: Random shop in Thailand
Look online. You don’t see thong swimwear in stores much, if at all, particularly in America, where thong bikinis, can still be kinda taboo. I’ve purchased from ASOS {try this, this, or this}, Riot Swim {try this, this, this, or this}, and Icon Swim {try this, this, or this}. There a number of other places to buy thong swimwear online, but I haven’t tried them yet.
Mombasa, Kenya, 2019- Swimsuit from Icon Swim
Get over your body hang ups. Whether you’re in a one piece, two piece, boy shorts, or a thong, your body is the same. Some extra fabric won’t change what you don’t like about your body, and the extra fabric doesn’t hide the things we view as imperfections either. Embrace your imperfections, and show them off!
Cancun, MX, 2020- Bottom: Random shop in Thailand; Top: Icon Swim
STOP WORRYING ABOUT WHAT OTHERS WILL THINK. This is the biggest one, hence the all caps, lol. The number one concern I’ve had women express, when they reach out about wanting to wear thong swimwear is what other people will think...whether that be people at the pool/beach or loved ones.
Cancun, MX, 2020- Bottom: Random shop in Thailand; Top: Icon Swim; Book: Chiffon Trenches by Andre Leon Talley
I’m a momma’s girl, so of course her opinion matters…a little, on things, but not enough to affect my life choices
Before I went to Thailand, I called my Mom and told her I bought a thong bikini to wear on my trip, because I didn’t want her to be surprised if she saw it on Facebook. She was shocked , at first, and then was like, “alright then girl, show em what you got!” (I wasn’t seeking her permission, and she understood that.)
I remember posting my first thong bikini picture on social media during that trip, and I definitely went through a few thoughts like, “will I lose followers; will people think I’m tryna be an instamodel?” LOL I did it anyway. Yes, I lost a few followers, and I even had someone tell me that somethings need to be kept for the bedroom. While I respected that lady’s opinion, IT REALLY DIDN’T MATTER, and I let her know as much.
Phuket, Thailand, 2017- Bottom from ASOS; Top from Target
At the end of the day, it’s your body and your life; what you do with it and wear on it is between you and God. So, if you want to get yourself a thong swimsuit for your next pool or beach adventure, DO IT!
Cancun, MX, 2020- Bottom: ASOS; Top: Random shop in Phuket
If you need some more help on joining the “let your booty hang in the sun” crew, shoot me an email, or drop a comment below.
Have you ever wanted to try a thong swimsuit? What stopped you?
OH! I thought somebody had something to say about your decision to wear thong swimwear!